Saturday, December 13, 2008


他是個單親爸爸,獨自撫養一個七歲的小男孩。每當孩子和朋友玩耍受傷回來,他對過世妻子留下的缺憾,便感受尤深,心底不免傳來陣陣悲涼的低鳴。 這是他留下孩子出差當天發生的事。 因為要趕火車,沒時間陪孩子吃早餐,他便匆匆離開了家門。一路上擔心著孩子有沒有吃飯,會不會哭,心老是放不下。即使抵達了出差地點,也不時打電話回家。可孩子總是很懂事地要他不要擔心。然而因為心裡牽掛不安,便草草處理完事情,踏上歸途。 回到家時孩子已經熟睡了,他這才鬆了一口氣。旅途上的疲憊,讓他全身無力。正準備就寢時,突然大吃一驚:棉被下面,竟然有一碗打翻了的泡麵! 「這孩子!」他在盛怒之下,朝熟睡中的兒子的屁股,一陣狠打。「為什麼這麼不乖,惹爸爸生氣?你這樣調皮,把棉被弄髒要給誰洗?」 這是妻子過世之後,他第一次體罰孩子。 「我沒有……」孩子抽抽咽咽地辯解著:「我沒有調皮,這……這是給爸爸吃的晚餐。」 原來孩子為了配合爸爸回家的時間,特地泡了兩碗泡麵,一碗自己吃,另一碗給爸爸。可是因為怕爸爸那碗麵涼掉,所以放進了棉被底下保溫。 爸爸聽了,不發一語地緊緊抱住孩子。看著碗裡剩下那一半已經泡漲的泡麵,啊,孩子,這是世上最最美味的泡麵啊!


中午尖峰時間過去了,原本擁擠的小吃店,客人都已散去,老闆正要喘口氣翻閱報紙的時候,有人走了進來。那是一位老奶奶和一個小男孩。 「牛肉湯飯一碗要多少錢呢?」 奶奶坐下來拿出錢袋數了數錢,叫了一碗湯飯,熱氣騰騰的湯飯。奶奶將碗推向孫子面前,小男孩吞了吞口水望著奶奶說:「奶奶,您真的吃過中飯了嗎?」 「當然了。」奶奶含著一塊蘿蔔泡菜慢慢咀嚼。一晃眼功夫,小男孩就把一碗飯吃個精光。 老闆看到這幅景象,走到兩個人面前說:「老太太,恭喜您,您今天運氣真好,是我們的第一百個客人,所以免費。」 之後過了一個多月的某一天,小男孩蹲在小吃店對面像在數著什麼東西,使得無意間望向窗外的老闆嚇了一大跳 原來小男孩每看到一個客人走進店裡,就把小石子放進他畫的圈圈裡,但是中餐時間都快過去了,小石子卻連五十個都不到。心急如焚的老闆打電話給所有的老顧客:「很忙嗎?沒什麼事,我要你來吃碗湯飯,今天我請客。」 像這樣打電話給很多人之後,客人開始一個接一個到來。 「八十一,八十二,八十三……」小男孩數得越來越快了。 終於當第九十九個小石子被放進圈圈的那一刻,小男孩匆忙拉著奶奶的手進了小吃店。
「奶奶,這一次換我請客了。」小男孩有些得意地說。 真正成為第一百個客人的奶奶,讓孫子招待了一碗熱騰騰的牛肉湯飯。而小男孩就像之前奶奶一樣,含了塊蘿蔔泡菜在口中咀嚼著。 「也送一碗給那男孩吧。」老闆娘不忍心地說。 「那小男孩現在正在學習不吃東西也會飽的道理哩!」老闆回答。 呼嚕……吃得津津有味的奶奶問小孫子:「要不要留一些給你?」 沒想到小男孩卻拍拍他的小肚子,對奶奶說:「不用了,我很飽,奶奶您看……。」


有個小村莊裡有位中年郵差,他從剛滿二十歲起便開始每天往返 五十公里的路程,日復一日將憂歡悲喜的故事,送到居民的家中。就這樣二十年一晃而過,人事物幾番變遷,唯獨從郵局到村莊的這條道路,從過去到現在,始終沒有一枝半葉,觸目所及,唯有飛揚的塵土罷了。 「這樣荒涼的路還要走多久?」 他一想到必須在這無花無樹充滿塵土的路上,踩著腳踏車度過他的人生時,心中總是有些遺憾。 有一天當他送完信,心事重重準備回去時,剛好經過了一家花店。 「對了,就是這個!」 他走進花店,買了一把野花的種籽,並且從第二天開始,帶著這些種籽撒在往來的路上。 就這樣,經過一天,兩天,一個月,兩個月……,他始終持續散播著野花種籽。沒多久,那條已經來回走了二十年的荒涼道路,竟開起了許多紅、黃各色的小花;夏天開夏天的花,秋天開秋天的花,四季盛開,永不停歇。種籽和花香對村莊裡的人來說,比郵差一輩子送達的任何一封郵件,更令他們開心。 在不是充滿塵土而是充滿花瓣的道路上吹著口哨,踩著腳踏車的郵差,不再是孤獨的郵差,也不再是愁苦的郵差了。


在那個貧困的年代裡,很多同學往往連帶個像樣的便當到學校上課的能力都沒有,我鄰座的同學就是如此。 他的飯菜永遠是黑黑的豆豉,我的便當卻經常裝著火腿和荷包蛋,兩者有著天壤之別。 而且這個同學,每次都會先從便當裡撿出頭髮之後,再若無其事地吃他的便當。這個令人渾身不舒服的發現一直持續著。 「可見他媽媽有多邋遢,竟然每天飯裡都有頭髮。」同學們私底下議論著。為了顧及同學自尊,又不能表現出來,總覺得好骯髒,因此對這同學的印象,也開始大打折扣。 有一天學校放學之後,那同學叫住了我:「如果沒什麼事就去我家玩吧。」雖然心中不太願意,不過自從同班以來,他第一次開口邀請我到家裡玩,所以我不好意思拒絕他。 隨朋友來到了位於漢城最陡峭地形的某個貧民村。 「媽,我帶朋友來了。」聽到同學興奮的聲音之後,房門打開了。他年邁的母親出現在門口。「我兒子的朋友來啦,讓我看看。」 但是走出房門的同學母親,只是用手摸著房門外的樑柱。 原來她是雙眼失明的盲人。我感覺到一陣鼻酸,一句話都說不出來。 同學的便當菜雖然每天如常都是豆豉,卻是眼睛看不到的母親,小心翼翼幫他裝的便當,那不只是一頓午餐,更是母親滿滿的愛心,甚至連摻雜在裡面的頭髮,也一樣是母親的愛。


鄉下小村莊的偏僻小屋裡住著一對母女,母親深怕遭竊總是一到晚上便在門把上連鎖三道鎖;女兒則厭惡了像風景畫般枯燥而一成不變的鄉村生活,她嚮往都市,想去看看自己透過收音機所想像的那個華麗世界。 某天清晨,女兒為了追求那虛幻的夢離開了母親身邊。她趁母親睡覺時偷偷離家出走了。 「媽,妳就當作沒我這個女兒吧。」可惜這世界不如她想像的美麗動人,她在不知不覺中,走向墮落之途,深陷無法自拔的泥淖中,這時她才領悟到自己的過錯。 「媽!」 經過十年後,已經長大成人的女兒拖著受傷的心與狼狽的身軀,回到了故鄉。她回到家時已是深夜,微弱的燈光透過門縫滲透出來。她輕輕敲了敲門,卻突然有種不祥的預感。女兒扭開門把時嚇了一跳。「好奇怪,母親之前從來不曾忘記把門鎖上的。」母親瘦弱的身軀蜷曲在冰冷的地板,以令人心疼的模樣睡著了。 「媽……媽……」聽到女兒的哭泣聲,母親睜開了眼睛,一語不發地摟住女兒疲憊的肩膀。在母親懷裡哭了很久之後,女兒突然好奇問道:「媽,今天妳怎麼沒有鎖門,有人闖進來怎麼辦?」 母親回答說:「不只是今天而已,我怕妳晚上突然回來進不了家門,所以十年來門從沒鎖過。」 母親十年如一日,等待著女兒回來,女兒房間裡的擺設一如當年。這天晚上,母女回復到十年前的樣子,緊緊鎖上房門睡著了。


有位紳士在花店門口停了車,他打算向花店訂一束花,請他們送去給遠在故鄉的母親。 紳士正要走進店門時,發現有個小女孩坐在路上哭,紳士走到小女孩面前問她說:「孩子,為什麼坐在這裡哭?」 「我想買一朵玫瑰花送給媽媽,可是我的錢不夠。」孩子說。紳士聽了感到心疼。 「這樣啊……」於是紳士牽著小女孩的手走進花店,先訂了要送給母親的花束,然後給小女孩買了一朵玫瑰花。走出花店時紳士向小女孩提議,要開車送她回家 「真的要送我回家嗎?」 「當然啊!」 「那你送我去媽媽那裡好了。可是叔叔,我媽媽住的地方,離這裡很遠。」 「早知道就不載妳了。」紳士開玩笑地說。 紳士照小女孩說的一直開了過去,沒想到走出市區大馬路之後,隨著蜿蜒山路前行,竟然來到了墓園。小女孩把花放在一座新墳旁邊,她為了給一個月前剛過世的母親,獻上一朵玫瑰花,而走了一大段遠路。 紳士將小女孩送回家中,然後再度折返花店。他取消了要寄給母親的花束,而改買了一大束鮮花,直奔離這裡有五小時車程的母親家中,他要親自將花獻給媽媽。

Friday, November 28, 2008

Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi
Artist: ON/OFF
Akaku akaku akaku yurete
Yume no yume no hate e
Mou nandomo akiramete wa oshikorosu tabi
Ikiba no nai kanjou ga me o samashiteku
Kegare no nai sono hohoemi zankoku na hodo
Tooi sonzai da to wakaru yo
Ienai kizu Kokoro mushibamu dake na no ni
Yami no (Naka ni) Ima mo (Yadoru) Omoi o osaekirenai
Akaku akaku akaku yurete
Yume no yume no hate e
Deatte shimatta unmei ga mawaridasu
Dare mo dare mo shiranai himitsu
Ochite ochite ochite
Mou modorenai Tsumi o kizande mo Kitto
Kodoku no fuchi aruki nagara sukuwareteita
Donna toki mo kawaranai REAL na hitomi
Demo hikari ga mabushii hodo umareru kage wa
Fukaku irokoku shinobu yoru yo
Futatsu no kodou Marude awase kagami no you ni
Niteru (Keredo) Chigau (Itami) Mugen ni tsuzuiteiku
Akaku akaku akaku moete
Subete subete keshite
Kanau koto no nai maboroshi ga ugokidasu
Tsuyoku tsuyoku hakanai yoru o
Koete koete koete
Nogarerarenai Tsumi ni oborete mo Kitto
Akaku akaku akaku yurete
Yume no yume no hate e
Deatte shimatta unmei ga mawaridasu
Dare mo dare mo shiranai himitsu
Ochite ochite ochite
Mou modorenai Tsumi o kizande mo Kitto

shonen omnyoji clossing song

Vocals: Kiuji Saori
Lyrics: Hirota Yuka
Composition: Hirota Yuka
Arrangement: Matsuura Akihisa

Within the deep darkness, I heard your voice
“I believe you”; just that one phrase echoed in my heart
You would always be by my side
You would always give me courage
In order to keep protecting our future
I promise you, my precious
That I won’t give up
I’ll surpass myself further and further
Surely, surely, surely
As in time, all people will lose sight of their dreams
The eras of mistakes and ways to hurt another are made to repeat
Why do they fight against believing in each other?
Why do they put out the light known as destiny?
I want to protect our future with my hands to the end
Because you taught me
The meaning of challenging with all my might
In order to keep protecting our future
I’ll promise to you, my precious
That I won’t give up
I’ll surpass myself further and further
Surely, surely, surely
You’ll surpass yourself further and further
Surely, surely, surely

Vocals: Kiuji Saori
Fukai yami no naka de kimi no koe ga kikoeta
“Shinjiteru” tada hitokoto boku no kokoro ni hibiite kita
Itsumo kimi ga soba ni ite kureta ne
Itsumo boku ni yuuki kurete ita
Boku-tachi no mirai o mamoritsuzukeru tame ni
Taisetsu na kimi ni yakusokusuru yo
Boku wa akiramenai
Motto motto boku wa boku o koete
Kitto kitto kitto
Toki to shite hito wa dare mo yume o miushinatte shimau
Ayamachi ya kizutsukikata mo jidai wa kurikaesarete iku
Doushite shinjiau koto ni aragau no?
Doushite unmei to iu hikari kesu no?
Boku-tachi no mirai wa kono te de mamorinukitai
Zenryoku de idomu koto no imi o
Kimi ga oshiete kureta kara
Boku-tachi no mirai o mamoritsuzukeru tame ni
Taisetsu na kimi ni yakusokusuru yo
Boku wa akiramenai
Motto motto boku wa boku o koete
Kitto kitto kitto
Motto motto kimi wa kimi o koete
Kitto kitto kitto


深い暗闇(やみ)の中で 君の声が聞こえた
『信じてる』 ただ一言 僕の心に響いてきた
いつも 君がそばに居てくれたね
いつも 僕に勇気くれていた
僕たちの未来を 守り続けるために
大切な 君に約束するよ
時として人は誰も 夢を見失ってしまう
過ちや 傷つき方も 時代は繰り返されていく
どうして 信じあう事に抗うの?
どうして 運命というヒカリ 消すの?
君が教えてくれたから僕たちの未来を 守り続けるために
大切な 君に約束するよ

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

shounen onmyoji

The series, set in the Heian era, Abe no Masahiro is the grandson of the great onmyōji, Abe no Seimei. Seimei, who passed his teachings on to his grandson, Masahiro who has lost his sixth sense and the ability to see spirits. Masahiro constantly feels resentful for being in his grandfather's shadow.
Even so, one day, Masahiro meets a fox-like creature which he names (もっくん, Mokkun?) who shows him his true potential powers after fighting a demon. Mokkun is actually (騰蛇, Tōda?), who prefers to be called Guren is one of the twelve shikigami called the (神将, Shinshō?), who has pledge his loyalty to Seimei and help Masahiro to surpass his grandfather.
Masahiro's dreams to surpass his grandfather may not come easy as not only he has to convinced the other Shinshō that he is Seimei's true successor. He must also become more powerful to stop demons that are coming from China and the other parts Japan. As well as the Underworld along with evil rival onmyōji's from destroying Japan and keeps his promise to protect Princess Akiko of the Fujiwara clan

la corda d'oro

after veiwing my blog,my friend ask me that why i put so many lyrics.when i think about it,the reason is very easy.all is just because i love those is a very amazing thing in the can show your feeling!if one day,there is no music in this world,how can i live?i can't share my feeling with will be a very lonely world.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Artist: Stella Quintet
Thanks Lucathia for the translation~! ^^
I'm not sure where I found the lyrics, but I'll edit this once I find it. :P
Icery's note: I edited the translation.

Romaji Lyrics:
ichibyou goto ni
kimi ga itoshii zutto...
mune no kodou ga hibiite iru

futari de aruku
kaerimichi futo damarikomu
bukiyou de tsutaerarenai omoi

ashi haya ni yuku shiki no naka
donna shiin demo
sugu soba de kimi wo mite itanda

futo guchi zusamu suki na fureezu
moshimo kimi nara donna
neiro wo kanaderu darou

ichibyou goto ni
yaki tsuketetai kimi wo
suneta shigusa mo warai kao mo

kimi wo irodoru subete ga ima,
kaze ni mai nagara
yasashiku tsutsumu...

kimi ga hitomi wo kagayakase
hanashite kureta
hateshinai yume egaku storii

ano toki kimi wa,
mayotteta boku no senaka wo
sarige naku oshite itanda ne

hyaku paasento ima wo ikiteru
kimi wa dare yori
kirameite iru taiyou no you ni

tatta hotori ni deaeta kiseki fukaku
kimi wo shiritai kizutsuite demo

ichibyou goto ni kimi ga itoshii zutto...
mune no kodou ga hibiite iru
itsuka wa kitto tsuyosa to iu

tsubasa wo hirogete
mamori tsukeru...
dare yori kimi wo...


Kanji Lyrics
一秒毎に君 がイトシイ ずっと・・・
胸の鼓動が 響いている・・・
2人で歩く 帰り道 ふと黙り込む
不器用で 伝えられ ない想い

足早に行く 四季の中どんな
場面でも すぐそばで君 を見て
いたんふと口 ずさむ 好きなフ
レーズもし も君ならどんな音色を

奏でるだろう 一秒毎に焼きつけ
てたい君を 拗ねた仕草も笑い顔も
君を彩るすべ てが今、風に 舞いながら

君が瞳を 輝かせ話し てくれた
果てしない 夢描く物語
あの時君は、 迷ってた僕 の背中を
さり気なく 押していたんだね

100% %現在を 生きてる
君は誰より 煌めいている 太陽のように
たったひとり に出逢えた 奇跡深く
君を知りたい 傷ついてでも

一秒毎に 君がイトシイ
ずっと・・・ 胸の鼓動が 響いている・・・
いつかはき っと強さという 翼を広げて
守り続ける 誰より君を・・・


Each and every second, you're so lovely...
The beats of my heart keeps resounding...
As we walk together on the way back we sink into silence
Clumsily, these feelings that I cannot convey

Walking quickly through the four seasons that move quickly,
In whatever scene, I want to see you right by my side.
Humming a favorite phrase
of mine, 'if it's you, no matter what the sound,

You'll be able to play it, right?' Each and every second, I want
to burn you into my memory. Your pouts, your smiles,
everything that paints you who you are, everything is now dancing with the wind,
gently enveloped by the wind.

Your words made my eyes shine,
The story of our dreams that we paint knows no bounds.
At that time, you casually gave me, who was lost,
a push on the back, didn't you.

You, who is living 100% in the present,
you twinkle brighter than anyone, just like the Sun.
The miracle of meeting someone
I want to know you even deeper, even if I get hurt

Each and every second, you're so lovely...
The beats of my heart keeps resounding...
I vow to become strong someday, so I can spread my wings
To always look over you...
more than everyone else...

Brand New Breeze - OP by kanon

Anything in () = parts that weren't in the lyrics that Wassery_Harp did or found in the original lyrics, but were added by me
Anything in [] = it's at the end of the song but isn't in the original lyrics; I just added it for the sake of being complete
* = what's sung in the background
** = the short speech that she says before the last part of the song
Thanks Seryass for editing the lyrics~! ^^

Romaji Lyrics:
ugoiteru toki no naka
meguri ateta ne You and I
afuredasu kono omoi
kienai you ni atatamete

Kirameku mirai ni
anata to futari de itai kara
Brand New Breeze... (*When you whisper to me)
Kanjita koto nai this feeling

Just for you (*I'm singing just for us)
zutto nakusanai you ni
(*It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)

ureshii toki kanashii toki mo
mayowazu tonde yuku kara
dakishimete uketomete

egao wo misete hoshii no
anata ga iru kara
kyou mo ashita mo I can keep on going

Brand New Breeze... (*When you whisper to me)
ima hajimari monogatari
Just for us... (*I'm singing just for us)
zutto owaranai you ni

(**Baby, I just want you to know
That you make me feel so beautiful
and no matter what happens
I'm never gonna let this go

'Cause I know that we we're meant to be

Brand New Breeze...(*When you whisper to me)
ima hajimari monogatari
Just for us... (*I'm singing just for us)
zutto owaranai you ni

[(*It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend)
Brand New Breeze... (*Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
Just for us... (*It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend)
zutto owaranai you ni (*Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)

(*It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
(*It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)]


Kanji Lyrics
動いてる 時の中 めぐり会えたね You and I
溢れ出す この想い 消えないように 温めて
きらめく未来に あなたと二人で いたいから
Brand new breeze 感じたことない this feeling

Just for you ずっと なくさないように
嬉しい時 悲しい時も 迷わず飛ん でゆくから
抱きしめて 受け止めて 笑顔を見せ て欲しいの
あなたがい るから 今日も明日も I can keep on going

Brand new breeze 今始ま る物語
Just for us ずっと終わ らないように・・・

Brand new breeze 今始ま る物語
Just for us ずっと終わ らないように・・・

In the time that we were moving on,
Didn't we meet by fate? You and I
I keep this overflowing feeling warm,
So it won't disappear
In the glistening future,
I want to be together with you.

Brand New Breeze~.
I never felt this feeling before
Just for you~.
I won't let it lose for forever.

When I'm happy
And when I'm sad,
I don't hesitate to fly to you.

I want you to hold me,
To catch me, and to show me your smile.
Because I have you,
Both today and tomorrow,
I can keep on going.

Brand New Breeze~.
The tale begins now.
Just for us~.
And I won't let it end for forever...

Brand New Breeze~.
The tale begins now.
Just for us~.
And I won't let it end for forever...

Friday, October 17, 2008

a sweet poem by D' ArTiStIc

-A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep
-Somewhere between all our laughs,long tales,stupid little rights and all our jokes,I fell in love
-If only you knew,I LOVE YOU
-If you can't get someone out of your head,maybe they're supposed to be there
-You give me that funny feeling in my tummy
-Late at night,when all the world is sleeping,stay up and think of you and wish on a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too
-Everyone has a reason for waking up...mine is you...
-Follow your heart it knows the way
-You want the truth?Well,here it is...I can't stop thinking of you
-You can fall from the sky,you can fall from a tree,but the best way to fall is in love with me
-If I did one thing right in my life,it was when I gave my heart to you
-My world was black and white until the day you walked through my door and into my heart
-If I had the choice between loving you and breathing...I would use my last breath to tell you that I love you
-Someone should sue Disney for making every girl believe that they have a prince charming
-It hurt deeper than you'll ever know
-You know you love him when you can't help but cry every night because he's not yours...he's hers...
-I like walking in the rain cause no one knows I'm crying
-Guys aren't worth your tears and the one that is won't make you cry
-Every second I'm without you,I'm a mess
-My heart taken by you,broken by you and now it is in pieces because of you
-I wish I was as invisible as you make me feel
-It's really pathetic how I keep trying to hold on to something that's not coming back
-Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow,we must fail in order to know.Sometimes our vision clear only after our eyes are washed away with tears
-Wait for the boy who will make you smile like no one else
-Everything happens for a reason
-Its funny how someone can break your heart and you still love them with all the little pieces
-I loved you once.I love you still.I always have.I always will.



Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ginban kaleiscope clossing song

Motto motto chikaku ni kanjitetai yo
Kimi no sono taiyou woHira hira kaze ni mau
Kareha no sei de itsumo to chigau
Komusaaka kimi to deatta toki ni wa
Tada midori no TONNERU ga tsuzuite ita
Itsumo kayoinareta basho datta no ni
Kyou wa hitori ga sabishiku natta
Kimi ga tonari ni inai dake de
Kotto yuku sekai niKurushiku naru no
Motto motto chikaku ni kanjitetai yo
Kimi no sono tsuyosa made zenbu
Sugoku tooku hanarete basho ni ita tte
Tsunagatte iru kara
Yasashii sono koe mo watashi wo mitasu Energy
Kira kira ame sasou yuugure no machi ni
Kasa wo motazu ni dete kita
Issho mune no watashi o mite kimi wa ijiwarui ni waratte ita
Mizutamari wo wazato futari de funde ano hun no mitsume
Yakusoku shita ne kimi no daisuki na fuyu ga kitara
Futari no kioku ni kagi wo kakeru to
Ne zutto zutto soba de dakishimetetai yo
Kimi no sono yowasa datte zenbu
Donna ni kimi ga tsuyogatte nisete datte tsutawatte kuru kara
Onaji yozora no shita kimi ga naite iru koto
Zutto zutto soba de dakishimeteite yo
Watashi no kumai tami wo nokotta
Tatoe kimi ga watashi wo wasurechattemo zutto matteru kara
Motto motto chikaku ni kanjitetai yo
Kimi no sono taiyou wo itsudemo
Sugoku tooku hanarete basho ni ita tte
Tsunagatte iru kara
Yasashii sono koe mo atatakai sono ondo mo
Kimi no sono subete ga watashi ugokasu Energy


I want to feel it even closer, closer
That warmth of yours
Because of the dry leaves fluttering in the wind
This hill seems different than usual
When I met you
It was a continuous tunnel of nothing but green
It's a place I got used to passing through
But today, all alone, I became lonely
Simply because you aren't by my side
The world freezes over, and it's painfulI want to feel it even closer, closer
That strength of yours, and everything
Even though we are in greatly separated places
We are connected
That gentle voice is the energy that fills me
Beckoned by the sparkling rain, I went out
Into the evening town, without an umbrella
Seeing me all drenchedYou laughed unkindly
Together we stepped into the puddles on purpose
Watching the ripples, we made a promise
When the winter you love so much arrives
We will lock away the memories of us
HeyI want to embrace you always, always
That weakness of yours, and everything
No matter how much you show that you've grown stronger
It will still show throughBeneath the same night sky, you were crying
Embrace me always, always
Wipe away this pain of mine
Even if you should forget meI will always be waiting
I want to feel it even closer, closer
That warmth of yours, always
Even though we are in greatly separated places
We are connected
That gentle voice, that warm temperature
Everything of yours, is the energy that moves me

paradise kiss opening song

♥Lonely in Gorgeous♥

Vocals: Tommy february6
I dashed out at 0 o’clock in the morningI kicked the door openMy glass slippers shatteredAnd my dress tore, too
Hey, aren’t you shocked?Even if I chased after you, you wouldn’t comeMy tears overflow and I can’t run anymore…
It just might be jealousy… It’s-so-pain-ful…!!
“Lonely in Gorgeous” yeah…Party night… I’m breaking my heartI want you to find me immediately and embrace me
The headlights shine…where are you bad boy?Wipe away my tears with the scarf of loveI can’t see anything
I want to scrape up stardustAnd hurl it at youWhy do you care?And yet you are only able to love yourself…
I just might be falling out of love… Is it for real…?!
“Lonely in Gorgeous” yeah…Party time…won’t bury thatIf you’re not here, then the world seems empty
I want to keep dreaming“I miss you bad boy”Please don’t shut me inside the glitterOr I’ll break down
“Lonely in Gorgeous”I’m breaking my heartWhere are you bad boy?“Lonely in party night”
“Lonely in Gorgeous”I’m breaking my heartI miss you bad boy“Lonely in party time”
“Lonely in Gorgeous” yeah…Party night… I can’t laughI don’t need anything, just be by my side
“Lonely in Gorgeous” yeah…Party night… I’m breaking my heartInside of the box of glitter that you left behindI embrace loneliness and I can’t moveI don’t need anything, just be by my sideKneel down, look at meAnd pledge your love

♥Lonely in Gorgeous♥

Vocals: Tommy february6
Gozen rei-ji, tobidashitaTobira o ketobashiteGarasu no kutsu ga wareteDoresu mo yabureta
Nee Akirete iru n deshou?Oikakete mo konaiNamida ga afurete Mou hashirenai wa…
Jerashii kamo… SE-TSU-NA-I…!!
“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah…Party night… I’m breaking my heartIma sugu mitsukete Dakishimete hoshii
Heddo raito ga hikaru…where are you bad boy?Ai no sukaafu de namida o fuiteNan ni mo mienai
Hoshikuzu o kakiatsumeAnata ni butsuketaiNaze kamau no?Jibun shika aisenai kuse ni…
Shitsuren kamo… Maji na no…?!
“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah…Party time… UmaranaiAnata ga inai to Karappo na sekai
Yume no tsuzuki ga mitai“I miss you bad boy”Kirameki no naka ni tojikomenaideKowarete shimau wa
“Lonely in Gorgeous”I’m breaking my heartWhere are you bad boy?“Lonely in party night”
“Lonely in Gorgeous”I’m breaking my heartI miss you bad boy“Lonely in party time”
“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah…Party night… WaraenaiNani mo iranai Tada soba ni ite
“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah…Party night… I’m breaking my heartAnata ga nokoshita Kirameki no hako no naka deKodoku o daite ugokenaiNani mo iranai no Tada soba ni iteHizamazuite Watashi o miteAi o chikatte

shonen onmyoji opening song

The Reasons for Smiling
Vocals: Hikita Kaori
Lyrics: Ito Yuko
Composition: Kajiura Yuki
Arrangement: HAL
Chorus Arrangement: Kajiura Yuki
When the wound within your locked-up memories
Touches your heart soundlessly
You’ll smile kindly; but behind it, there are tears of loneliness
Yearn for a boundless strength
And with those who you believe in, dash upwards many times
I want to protect, I want to believe, all of the reasons for smiling
Ferocity and love, too, I’ll accept everything
I won’t ever let go of your hand again, aiming for that light

Overlapping our chests that we sympathize with
In our thoughts that can forgive and share with each other
I keep praying words of an oath so that they won’t change
Yearn for a fearless heart, lift the dream that you believe in
And embrace me with both of your hands
I want to love, I want to feel, all of the reasons for smiling
Tell me as it as, even the shout of your heart
I won’t ever avert my eyes again
Igniting that light

Yearn for a boundless strength
And with those who you believe in, dash upwards many times
I want to protect, I want to believe, all of the reasons for smiling
Ferocity and love, too, I’ll accept everything
I want to love, I want to feel, all of the reasons for smiling
Tell me as it as, even the shout of your heart
I won’t ever let go of your hand again, aiming for that light

Egao no Wake
Vocals: Hikita Kaori
Tozasareta kioku no naka no kizu ga
Oto mo naku kokoro ni fureru toki ni
Yasashiku hohoemu sono ura ni wa kodoku no namida
Hateshinai tsuyosa motomete
Shinjiru mono-tachi to nando mo kakeagare
Mamoritai shinjitai egao no wake o subete
Hageshisa mo itoshisa mo zenbu uketomeru yo
Nido to sono te o hanasanai ano hikari o mezashite

Omoiyaru tagai no mune kasanete
Yurushiai wakachiaeru omoi ni
Kawaranu you ni inoritsuzukeru chikai no kotoba
Osorenai kokoro motomete shinjiru yume kakage
Ryoute ni dakishimete
Aishitai kanjitai egao no wake o subete
Ari no mama kikasete yo kokoro no sakebi sae
Nido to kono me o sorasanai
Ano hikari o tomoshite

Hateshinai tsuyosa motomete
Shinjiru mono-tachi to nando mo kakeagare
Mamoritai shinjitai egao no wake o subete
Hageshisa mo itoshisa mo zenbu uketomeru yo
Aishitai kanjitai egao no wake o subete
Ari no mama kikasete yo kokoro no sakebi sae
Nido to sono te o hanasanai ano hikari o mezashite

shonen onmyoji clossing song

Vocals: Kiuji Saori
Lyrics: Hirota Yuka
Composition: Hirota Yuka
Arrangement: Matsuura Akihisa
Within the deep darkness, I heard your voice
“I believe you”; just that one phrase echoed in my heart
You would always be by my side
You would always give me courage
In order to keep protecting our future
I promise you, my precious
That I won’t give up
I’ll surpass myself further and further
Surely, surely, surely
As in time, all people will lose sight of their dreams
The eras of mistakes and ways to hurt another are made to repeat
Why do they fight against believing in each other?
Why do they put out the light known as destiny?
I want to protect our future with my hands to the end
Because you taught me
The meaning of challenging with all my might
In order to keep protecting our future
I’ll promise to you, my precious
That I won’t give up
I’ll surpass myself further and further
Surely, surely, surely
You’ll surpass yourself further and further
Surely, surely, surely

Vocals: Kiuji Saori
Fukai yami no naka de kimi no koe ga kikoeta
“Shinjiteru” tada hitokoto boku no kokoro ni hibiite kita
Itsumo kimi ga soba ni ite kureta ne
Itsumo boku ni yuuki kurete ita
Boku-tachi no mirai o mamoritsuzukeru tame ni
Taisetsu na kimi ni yakusokusuru yo
Boku wa akiramenai
Motto motto boku wa boku o koete
Kitto kitto kitto
Toki to shite hito wa dare mo yume o miushinatte shimau
Ayamachi ya kizutsukikata mo jidai wa kurikaesarete iku
Doushite shinjiau koto ni aragau no?
Doushite unmei to iu hikari kesu no?
Boku-tachi no mirai wa kono te de mamorinukitai
Zenryoku de idomu koto no imi o
Kimi ga oshiete kureta kara
Boku-tachi no mirai o mamoritsuzukeru tame ni
Taisetsu na kimi ni yakusokusuru yo
Boku wa akiramenai
Motto motto boku wa boku o koete
Kitto kitto kitto
Motto motto kimi wa kimi o koete
Kitto kitto kitto

深い暗闇(やみ)の中で 君の声が聞こえた
『信じてる』 ただ一言 僕の心に響いてきた
いつも 君がそばに居てくれたね
いつも 僕に勇気くれていた
僕たちの未来を 守り続けるために
大切な 君に約束するよ
時として人は誰も 夢を見失ってしまう
過ちや 傷つき方も 時代は繰り返されていく
どうして 信じあう事に抗うの?
どうして 運命というヒカリ 消すの?
僕たちの未来を 守り続けるために
大切な 君に約束するよ

Sunday, September 7, 2008




Saturday, September 6, 2008






Friday, September 5, 2008

I Miss You~




Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hi,I'm saruwatari michiyo.nice to meet u all...thx 4 viewing my blog.i hope u can give me some comments to improve this blog.dozo yorushiku