Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Last Song

You held my hand and whispered in my ear,
a promise that you'd always be here.

but now, in my time of fear,
where are you, my dear?

i realize that i can't live without your love,
i want to be with you now and always.

it's all because i love you,
will my voice reach you?

i want to know your fellings,
ever if it is pain.

it's ok if you are afraid,
because i know you try to be strong for our future.

i will pray for you until the day we meet again in this beautiful land.
so please be home safe,my dear.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

talent search

i join the school talent search with sarmini.this is a competition that let u show your talent.
u can sing ,dance or perform other talent.i choose the singing group.i dunno what song should i sing.on the first day, i already choose "love story" then after a few days i heard a lot of peaple also sing that song.ai~i don't know lah!i am so unlucky!i really love the song and i hope i can sing it in my 1st sinnging competition.SO I NEED YOUR HELP!TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
we choose a group name called "applemint". i think this name is ok only but sarmini like it mah!

♥♥♥13 signs of falling in love♥♥♥

1. When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up...but you miss them already when it was just two minutes ago
2. You read their texts over and over again...
3. You walk really slowly when you're with them...
4. You feel shy whenever you're with them...
5. When you think about them, your heart beats faster and faster...
6. You smile when you hear their voice...
7.. When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you... all you see is him/her...
8. You start listening to slow songs, while thinking of them...
9. They become ALL you think about...
10.You get high just from their scent...
11.You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think about them....
12.You would do anything for them...
13.While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.....


1月14日 日记情人节 Diary Day

2月14日 传统情人节 Valentine's Day

3月14日 白色情人节 White Day

4月14日 糖果情人节 Candy Day

5月14日 玫瑰情人节 Rose Day
白色:一般朋友 黄色:知己 红色:爱人

6月14日 亲亲情人节 Kiss Day
你也收到他的红玫瑰了?我闪人!因为你们马上要kiss了!今天看到别人在kiss?不用回避,因为今天是Kiss Day。

7月14日 银色情人节 Silver Day

8月14日 绿色情人节 Green Day

9月14日 相片情人节 Music and Photo Day

10月14日 葡萄酒情人节 Wine Day

11月14日 电影情人节 Orange and Movie Day

12月14日 拥抱情人节 Hug Day


I had read a manga and found a sentence that is quite romantic but i know normally boys won't tell a girl this in a real world.

the boy tell the girl that...
although you like the other guy in your heart,but in this world,i am still the one who love you the most.


do you fell touch with those words?


1 如果你喜欢他就告诉他,即使他拒绝了,也不会丢面子,因为在他心里,会因为你的真情而非常非常感激你。

2 如果他喜欢你,要明确告诉他你对他的感情,喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢,千万不要怕伤害他而忧郁不决,不要让他等到最后才受到抛弃,因为男孩子的心一旦碎了就很难很难再好起来。

3 男孩子也有自己的脾气,只是因为爱你而压抑着,不要总是任性,有时他们的决定也很有道理.

4 男孩子莫名的向你发脾气,那时因为爱你,把你当成最亲,最贴心,最有安全感的人,千万不要冲他发脾气反击,静静的等着,等他消气后满怀后悔来抱你。

5 他为你准备的东西,即使再难看,再廉价,也要去珍惜,因为那里面融汇着他整晚的思绪。

6 相信他给你多么多么美好的生活,要给他鼓励,因为鼓励会让他创造奇迹。

7 不要总是打探他去哪,告诉他注意安全,你会等着他就可以。

8 不要总说~我爱你~,他会半真半笑着说你烦,但不要不说,因为有时候,他们比女孩子更需要这句。

9 他为你掉眼泪了,那么他是真的非常爱你,珍惜他的每一滴泪,不要道歉,不要安慰,握着他的手,默默的为他擦去泪滴。

10 要信任他,他爱你,就什么都不会骗你,即使真的有欺骗,也是为让你们的爱情能够永远不离不弃。

this is 1 of de e-mail that i receive from friend.if you are a guy,i would like to ask,is it real?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


something i want to write novels,but after i think of the story,i lazy to write it out.for example moonlight angel 月光.天使.i wrote half way then lazy to write edi.i know this is not a good thing but i really tired lah!some more i only will write chinese novel because i m not that good in english and malay.p.s everyone know that!
but i will write the sinopsis for my novel lah!too bad~it's in chinese too!


my real name is covel.c.o.v.e.l!remember that! co is ko sound and vel (el sound plus de v sound.p.s a bit sound like 'well').please don't say wrong again.many people call me clover(still ok),cover(i really hate them!) ever chloe(? *swt)*Is my name really hate to remember?atleast all my friend call me correctly.if u finish reading this post,but still don't know how to call my name, i 'll kill you!kidding lah~ XD

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine Day

today is valentine day.happy valentine day,everyone!today should be perfect,but still need to go to school.when koko,super boring somemore!shee ee and me just sit there and talk.the teacher force everyone in kior to sing "i'm yours".atleast better in class lah!joh xhin made card and sold in class,it is very cheap!3 for rm1.for me and kah mei,we get free music lesson form pearl,raveena and yew jin.some time,i fell pity him for being our maths teacher and now need to become our music teacher.maha and sarmini try hard to solve maths tuition work.sarmini goes and calls fly fm and ask for the song"love story"yesterday.but none of us heard that...too bad...next time,she should call us 1st!in this sweet valantine day,none of my friend recaive any present.i think it is because a lot of ppl said thatthe school having spot check.


I am not afraid of dark anymore,because you are with me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


my school have a activities that is homestay!the student can choose the courty they want to live there for 2 weeks.for example: japan,USA.my parents allows me but i m not sure that i want to go or stay here.this week got the useless latih tubi,i really tired!got to go sleep~i had mark zhi kang sejarah paper & guess how much he get?98%.i just get 83% only.why the world is so cruel to me!!!i read all form 2 (cos de taecher say so) but just come out ch.1!i hate the school lah!*crying*


i had wrote a poem called don't say sorry.my friend read and give some comment.kah mei gave me 4/5 stars,maha ,the kind girl gave 10000stars and joh xhin gave 6 /10.next time ,i will let you all give me full star !I mean it!


I can't find you.LOnely inthe dark,I think of you.
Don't say you're sorry,
Don't let my love waste.
Don't say you're sorry,
Don't let me lose the reason to hate you.

Think of your kindness,
That cannot be replace.
I want to belive in you,
and start not balieve in myself.
Don't say you're sorry
After you break my heart.
Don't say you're sorry.
Don't let me have a reason to forgive you.

I don't want your applogzine,
The thing I want the most is you to prove your love to me.

That is my poem .what do you think?kind of boring or super touch?tell me and rate! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


kah mei and i had change the lyric of the song'fall for you'.this is a bit perasan,please don't read after eating...i will show the funnist part~

because tonight will be the night that you will fall for me
over again
i won't let you change your mind
or you won't live to see another day
i swear it's true!
because a girl like me is imposible to find.

we are not that type of perasan girl ,we try to make fun but still ming keat said we are very perasan.are we?
p.s try to heard the song and sing together ...

my sis' novel 2

this is the second part o~
"是啦,妈妈...我己经很快了!" "别忘了带你的便当哟!路上小心." "会的啦!再见,妈妈我爱你!" 我看一看手表...哔!还有五分钟!要迟到了啦!"我拼命地跑...当我跑到校们时... "怦!" "好...好痛!" "你走路不长眼睛啊!?!" 哔!帅哥呀!他的头发好耀眼啊!好像沾到星光的海洋,光芒四射.他的眼神很镇定!双眼皮的褐色的眼睛呢!真罕见!可惜嘴硬,撞到我没说对不起,反而还要我道歉!他休想!我也很任性...

my sis' novel

my sis had wrote a novel in blog before and this is the starting of the novel ,but she deleted .enjoy reading...joh xhin this is what my sis wrote but i know u can't understand what is means lah!
"小诗,你的钢琴课要开始了,你再不快点可会迟到哟!" -----------------------------------琴声寻缘.坠入爱河------------------------------------------- 我是珍宫诗穗, 16岁.就读日本最受欢迎的音旋国中...我是个弃婴,从小就被父母抛弃...他们留在我身旁的只是一张钢琴乐谱与一条音乐项链.钢琴乐缙与音乐项链的主目曲都是.这张..."